
My Favorite Korean Gurus + channels

Hey Guys,

So, continuing in my series of my favorited YouTube Gurus and Channels. Today of course is the my favorited Korean Gurus and Channels. Korean makeup products have been sought for over the years...when K-pop became more popular the cosmetic and then the fashion community became a whole lot more interesting to the international community. The Ulzzang trend has become a very popularized look these days some will criticize it because some girls look fake but I see it in every community even from outside people looking in especially toward Gyura too, one example I always read "Damn did she cake on the makeup" or "Too much makeup"... but mostly for both sadly it's the bad Photoshop. I saw really cute Ulzzang model and someone pointed out the proportioning but I know that in Korea legs and the face are best features to show off so, I was like meeh, cultural differences.


1. Oiseau88
♡Helping your natural beauty shine through while having fun with makeup, hair, and fashion! ♡


2. Beautifymeeh

Korean Makeup, Beauty, Fashion, Style, Tutorials, Inspired Looks, Vlogs and more ♥ 엔젤양과 화장공부 [메이크업, 화장법]


3. From Head to Toe
One of my favorite YouTube with mono lids.

Love yourself! Make the world beautiful. :)


4. HollyAnneRee 
If you want reviews of high end cosmetics she's your gal.

Beauty/Fashion Blogger/YouTuber. Born in Korea, adopted, and living in the US since 3 months old. Grew up in Connecticut and relocated to California 2 years ago. 

 5. AngelaMinjikim
My second favorite mono lid makeup guru and does great reviews.

Oh.. hi there. ^^

 6. Seohyun1001 
Another person who doesn't show her whole face.
K-pop Inspired makeup, or other inspired makeup video


1. Jung Saemmool 
She is the first Professional Korean Makeup Artist on YouTube and she is Amazing!!
She's done your top k-pop stars ie. BoA, Go Hara, and Lee Hyori... she even did Martina from EatyourKimchi makeup+tutorial for Lee Hyori-Bad girl

Professional Makeup Artist Saemmool Jung's Makeup & Hair styling know-how. Check out listed tutorial videos with useful beauty tips and K-beauty trend in Korea!
메이크업 아티스트 정샘물의 뷰티 노하우와 메이크업&헤어 하우투! 정샘물 원장님이 제안하는 뷰티 트렌드를 확인하세요!

 2. InsiteTV1-Famous Ulzzang Pony

Naive & Curious
★인사이트TV 어플 출시★
플레이스토어 or 앱스토어에서
[ 인사이트TV ]로 검색하세요 :-)

3. Keautystore

Korean Beauty Store selling cosmetics, cosmetic lens, fashion wigs, etc..

4.  ibuybeauti

All about Korean Cosmetics
Come and Take a Look :-)