It was really hard to find Chinese Gurus that spoke both English and Chinese becuase I find that a lot people want subtitles these days so, that why the list is shorter than the other two post.
Well get to it shall we here they are
. . .
Gurus + Channels
1) Bubzbeauty
I've followed Bubz for a while, one reason being her Irish accent, I love it! And other being the Beauty Tutorials and old skits from her other channels. She's prego now but, she still has time to make some tutorials for us.
Willing to try.
Willing to learn.
You guys are my inspiration. Thank you for supporting the biggest dork on the planet.
My channel is to help make people realise their own beauty. In their hearts.
I'm an unpredictable girl with a passion for beauty hair and fashion.
My Comedy Channel:
My VLOG channel:
Business enquires ONLY:
plz also email to:
A place for beauty, hair, fashion, my diary & EXCLUSIVE vlogs, check out my website:
Shop my Makeup Brush line:
2) pbunniep
I've followed her for long time. She is very insightful and full of knowledge, and now she more well known but, don't forget to watch her older stuff because she knows a lot about buying Asian skincare from overseas.
Well Hello there!
Beauty blogger, Style seeker, Future master seamstress. At your service.
Need to get in touch? Email me!
3) Crystalbeauty
I've been following her to get my Asian skincare updates. And she is actually did a collab with pbunniep so, head on over to their channels to check it out.
Hey everyone! Thank you for visiting my beauty channel. On
this channel, I will share with you lots of my favorite Japanese and
Korean makeup products, makeup tutorials, skincare routine/tips and
reviews. I hope all of you find confidence, beauty, and happiness
through these videos. Please subscribe for you~~
Business Inquiries/ 合作事宜請
email me at:
CrystalBeauty is a Stylehaul Partner
Love life, live happily, stay pretty, stay positive^_^
4) ChichiYaz
I found her before I got into gyaru and she has been MIA after few months of watch her. Last I've seen her was on YT doing beauty tutorials.
Welcome to ChiChiYaz's world.
I'm crazy about makeup, I enjoy experimenting with makeup, and I love exploring people's faces.
I always believe that beauty starts with accepting who you are and
how you look. Then as you understand yourself more, you will become
better at bringing out the best of your focal features!
We girls always have a bit of something to complain about our faces.
Take me as an example. My face tends to be chubby no matter how little
I've been eating (it's a proven fact from series of cruel experiments!
:( ) and has less structure, my eyes are less defined and can be a bit
puffy, my lashes are small, etc etc =_=.... BUT, I'm not giving up, and I
believe choosing the right makeup will help create the right set of
styles for me :D tee hee ~~ I hope you share the same belief as me!
To make my makeup obsession SUSTAINABLE , I give skincare the same
level of attention as makeup, if not more!! I have normal to dry and
sensitive skin, and there are several rules I (try to :P ) follow
strictly, such as give skin a break from any makeup for one day a week,
and apply only toner for summer nights and let skin learn to recover and
maintain itself.... Will share things that have worked for me in my
future vids~ :)
Be yourself.
Like yourself.
Enjoy yourself.
ChiChiYaz © 2010
If I find more Chinese YouTuber that I like I will update this post
so, that's all for now. . .