
Check The Box If This Applies [Black History]

Hey Subbies,

Happy Belated Birthday to me and too you if this is B-day Month. I really wanted to do some introspection on this post. I over the age of 25, I have worked part-time for the past 8 years with benefits that is way better than what most of my peers get living in this tax-ridden state. I have my bachelor degree and I am African American/Black woman if don't know now you know. You guys can kind of do the math. Currently, I have been job hunting and doing the interviews here and ther but then nothing. I have been approached by more financial-insurance firms than I can count, offering that remodified pyramid schemes to a path of wealth and security that means investing more money you don't have for a "state certification" and the company. Just because the economy says more black people are working that is an abstract that not the whole essay. The questions should be asked: What type of jobs are Black American working, is it part-time or full-time jobs?; What states have highest employed per capita; How much are they making at these jobs? How can we further diversify in the job market?

Now, a lot of my friends and acquaintances that I have talked to have this type of lifestyle:

Lives at home, may or may not help parents out financially:

  • Has some college maybe a Degree
  • Has a part-time job or lives off an inheritance
  • Relies on driving services/ Doesn't have a license. 


  • I live at home and help my mom out every month since I started working.
  • Received a Bachelor Degree
  • Has a part-time job
  • Has a license and owns a used car.

If you were do a google search of "Why is so hard for black women to get a job" you'll probably find the answer. You can read these article to get the whole picture:


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