Hey Guys,
As you guys know I went to Korean Music Festival over the weekend and I brought my BF along with camera got you some PIC HEAVY shots. Also I'm going be uploading footage later on my YouTube page and then posting here later so watch out for that. Anyways, I went to KTown the day before to get some kimbap, sea weed salad, and rice cakes and huge bottle of Calpico lychee favored but I forgot to bring some water so let just say we were a little dehydrated. I actually got to Hollywood bowl late since we had went to an event in Lil Tokyo for Godzilla. When we finally got to bowl my boyfriend wanted to wait in line to win a voucher to Kabuki and he doesn't even like it that much but the line was hell of long since it had all Appas and Ummas in it and show was about to start. Anyways I missed out on the booklets that you get when get there so I a little sad. It was Awesome Concert and if your ever in LA in May I differently recommend this event to anyone who is into Korea Culture and music.

We had guest performer I don't remember her name.
Here's ALI!
- Jiyul of Dal Shabet was co hosting with Jay Park
Guest who these Guys/Gals are?
Crayon Pop!!!
Jung Dongha
Ulala Session
Sim Soobong
Yoon Bokhee
Guess who this Guy is?